Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Do you have a teachable heart?

I believe sometimes things happen just so we can learn from them. Not just big things, but small things too. 

I recently dealt with a situation that put me in a vulnerable position. In the midst of the situation the Holy Spirit asked me if I had a “teachable heart?” Initially I didn’t think much of it. How can you call yourself a followers of Christ if you weren’t teachable, right? I mean, I read my Bible searching for knowledge and truth, I go to church to gain understanding, I was even led to start this blog to share truths as God unveils them to me. So, Yes. Yes, indeed God, I do have a teachable heart. But when I was put to the test, I failed. Miserably, I might add.   

How could this be? I love God. I serve him with my life, and I’m not teachable? And to pull the layer back even further, to not be teachable means that I have nothing left to be taught, meaning I am a know-it-all and prideful. Yes, I said prideful. 

As I've been praying over this area in my life, I've been praying Psalms 51:10 over myself. It says,  create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. I want to be a complete vessel for God to use at anytime, I want him to trust me with His charge to love and serve his people. My prayer is that God would heal me of any sin and pridefulness I carry. That he would soon trust me with His wisdom and that I would have a teachable heart. 

If this is an area where you are struggling, know that I am praying for you as well. Pray Psalms 51:10 over yourself every day. Be encouraged and remember that God loves you! 

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